How Do Duraproducts Solutions Benefit The Environment?

Environmental Benefits

Reducing and offsetting environmental impacts are now a fundamental factor within project design. In choosing products with a high recycled content, you immediately eradicate significant risks that waste can present to the natural environment. You also create a sustained demand for recycled material that drives innovation so we not only recycle more in terms of volume but in variety, recycling material that would once have been considered un-recyclable.

Additionally, our products and systems are specifically designed to lower risk and impacts at every stage of their life cycle, through initial sourcing of the materials to the next stage of reuse, recycling or carbon recovery. Our processes are energy efficient, producing products with a low carbon footprint. The lighter weight of each product reduces carbon use in transport to and around site, and within the method of install. As a responsible manufacturer we are also continually looking for improvement in what we do. Our medium to long term plan is to ultimately bring full control and an improving point of measure to each and every process across the Dura Products’ Life-Cycle.

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Dura Products and Systems can also bring further environmental benefits to a project’s overall design in terms of function.

Duradrain Shallow Profile linear drainage solutions allow for road and pavement design to be more focused on low carbon producing modes of transport. Pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair users are given priority with surfaces providing a shallow rise and fall through each transition of function. The combined kerb and drainage can be designed to provide both a physical and visual restraint/separation with continual, efficient run-off collection.

All Duraproducts solutions are designed to reduce risk involved with manual handling and within the processes of installation. Duraproducts provides the potential to re-use, re-make, recycle.